Welcome to McComb OB-GYN

Opening Hours : Monday-Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm
  Contact : (601) 684-9116


Obstetrics is the medical specialty dealing with the care of women during pregnancy (prenatal period), childbirth and the recuperative (postnatal period) following delivery.

At McComb OB-GYN our mission is to provide the best medical care while making your visit as comfortable and pleasant as possible.  Prenatal care is vital ensuring the healthy growth and development of your baby.  Women who receive prenatal care have healthier babies and are less likely to deliver prematurely or have pregnancy–related problems.  Prenatal care should begin as soon as possible. 

Obstetrics and Prenatal Care Provided In Our Office

Personalized Maternity Care
Pre-Pregnancy Counseling
Care for Normal and High-Risk Pregnancies
Screening for Fetal Disorders
Hospital Care during Labor and Delivery
Postpartum Care (after delivery)
Evaluation for Postpartum Mood Disorder

Obstetrical Ultrasound
3D Ultrasound
4D Ultrasound
Gender Scan

Normal & High Risk Pregnancies

We provide full pregnancy care, from conception through delivery and even longer.  You will have the benefit of a team of professionals monitoring your progress, as well as the reassurance of a familiar face at the time of your delivery.  Our experienced team will be with you every step of the way on this incredible journey.

Pregnancy is one of the most important times in a woman’s life.  Having the proper care and knowledge is essential to a successful term and delivery of your baby.  Prenatal care is crucial to your baby’s healthy development.  A regular appointment will include checking the baby’s heart rate and your blood pressure, urine and weight gain.

We also provide care for high risk pregnancies along with our general obstetrical services.  Your pregnancy may be deemed high risk if you have a pre-existing medical condition, multiple births or abnormal pregnancies that carry an increased risk of complications.  Some conditions that may increase the risk of complications during pregnancy or delivery include diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, heart disease and more.  Complications during pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, premature birth or recurrent miscarriages will require more frequent visits.  During your obstetrical care you will have the attention of all of our doctor.


Breastfeedingis a natural and healthy process that provides many advantages to both baby and mother.  Many new mothers have difficulty adjusting to breastfeeding and may benefit from a lactation consultation.  A lactation consultation can help you fully understand the breastfeeding process and troubleshoot any problems, pain or confusion you may be having.

We can refer you to a specialist who can teach you about the many benefits of breastfeeding, how to obtain the proper positioning and helping your baby to latch properly.  They can also answer any lactation or nursing questions you may have as well as identifying and correcting any problems you experience.

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Good oral hygiene during pregnancy is encouraged. The hormones in pregnancy can contribute to an increase in saliva production causing your mouth to water more. Drinking plenty of non-sugary fluids such as water can help to alleviate your thirst.

Your gums may also swell and bleed more in pregnancy. Continue to brush your teeth and gums with a soft toothbrush, floss as usual, and be seen for your routine dental care at intervals determined by your dental provider.

If your dentist finds a problem, it is not necessary to put off dental work while pregnant. Procedures can be performed safely at your dentist’s discretion. 

Obstetrical 3D Ultrasound Test

Obstetrical ultrasound is a safe, noninvasive procedure that uses sound waves to create images of the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid.  These images are viewed in real time on a computer monitor by the patient and doctor.  This procedure can be performed several times throughout the pregnancy to monitor defect or growth and development.  The first trimester ultrasound determines the age of the baby and can detect any potential birth defects, such as Down syndrome.  Ultrasounds performed later in the pregnancy measures the size and position of the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid to help ensure that delivery will not have any major complications.  Normal results will show a healthy baby that has a normal size heart and breathing rate and no visible birth defect.

Abnormal ultrasounds may indicate a baby is too small or underdeveloped for its age, in a breech position or has a birth defect such as anencephaly or absent kidneys.  Serious problems that can be identified are lack of a fetal heartbeat or an ectopic pregnancy.  Your doctor may perform additional testing if the results are abnormal.

4D Sonogram

McComb OB-GYN is proud to offer the newest state of the art imaging for our patients.  4D sonography allows us to capture detailed images of your developing baby.  The following information may help to answer some of the questions you may have about a 4D sonogram.

∞   The 4D sonogram is not an x-ray.  It uses the same sound wave
technology that has always been used to obtain images.

∞   This sonogram is not intended to replace the 3D sonogram
which is performed between 19-20 weeks.  The sonogram done at
that time is to assess fetal growth and development

∞   The 4D sonogram captures a more realistic image of the physical
characteristics and appearance of the developing infant.  The
optimal time is between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy.

4D sonograms are offered at special appointment times, and not in conjunction with your routine office visit to ensure that we have adequate time for optimal visualization of your baby for their first portraits.  During this visit, you will be able to observe as your baby move and pose on a TV monitor.  Watch them smile, wave, stick their tongue out and sometimes even suck their fingers or toes, it is truly a once in a lifetime experience! 

Gender Scan

McComb OB-GYN offers a Gender Scan starting at 16 weeks.  Although it is difficult to check the gender of the baby at this time, we will provide this service to all pregnant women who want to know as soon as possible; however, we cannot guarantee that we can determine the gender. Being able to determine the gender depends on a variety of factors, including how far along you are in your pregnancy, the size of the baby, the size of the mother, whether you are having a boy or girl, and the position of your baby.

The sonogram is not an x-ray. It uses the same sound wave principle of the sonograms that we have always used.  This sonogram does not replace the 20 week sonogram which is more detailed evaluating your baby’s organs and remains the most sensitive test for detecting birth defects.  The Gender Scan is not used for medical purposes.

The cost of the Gender Scan is not currently covered by insurance.  Payment by cash or credit card before services are rendered is required.  The cost is $75.00 for a single baby and $100.00 for twins.

The Gender Scan package will include the following:

  • 15 minute sonogram recorded on DVD
  • Gender check only
  • 3 black & white pictures

The images are incredible in their detail most of the time; however, the quality of the sonogram is dependent on the position and movement of the baby, placenta location and size of the mother.  Therefore, we do not guarantee that you will have a perfect picture of your baby and no refund is offered as a result of these reasons.  If we cannot determine gender at this time we will do one other scan to check for you at no cost.